Start of the new year 2024, make new year resolutions.
Have you set yourself 2024 goals? Personal goals, work goals and achievements?
If you have not, it is still not too late.
On the work front… start by setting a vision how you would like to end 2024… look a little further ahead to 205, 2026.
Sometimes, it is difficult to just look just 12 months ahead, because some work, projects, may need more time to plan and implement.
Once you have set the broad goals (vision, outlook expectations), time to go back to the team members Job Description. What has changed in 2023, that have shifted, moved the project-talent equation that you need to understand. The Job Description may need to be revisited, and along with that the Competency Requirements of the positions. It is important that we match the competency of the individual talent with the job, so that we can extract the best of the talent. We may need to pause and reassess training and development for some team members. This is very important as every talent is an asset to the company – we need to develop and optimize every individual employee. [this is so often missed in organizations – Job Descriptions are very seldom reviewed – and only taken out when hiring a replacement staff].
In reviewing individual competency match with jobs, we will also be able to see opportunity for job rotation – very important to revitalize the team after a difficult 2020. When we rotate talent, we assign them new goals and challenges, we inject new energy and revitalize the team and the organization. Leave no room for stagnation.
Then coming back to the 2024 goals, we need to set KPIs and milestones to ensure that we are on track to deliver our set (agreed) vision. We now know that the team is fully onboard and behind the set vision. The team members are trained or will be trained to do the assigned tasks. There is injection of new talent to revitalize and challenge the status quo with new ideas.
Now put everything in writing with clear individual team member KPIs and timeline, to ensure understanding and buy-in. Also checked that the goals and KPIs among team members are linked to encourage collaboration and teamwork.
Now you are ready to start 2024…
Talk to PAL Solutions…