Goal setting is important for everyone, be it in business or in personal life.
We all need to set goals. Setting goals gives you mid to long-term vision, and in the short-term, the achievement of set milestones along the way helps drives motivation and sense of achievement. Mostof all it helps you to Manage Performance in business.
In setting goals, we need to set “SMART” goals S = Specific. This means clear, significant and stretched goals. It also helps to keep us in the right direction – to focus on what is important and not be distracted. Goals must also be agreed by key stakeholders, to ensure “buy-in” to ensure higher chances of success.
M = Measurable. Quantifiable, trackable, measurable. If you cannot measure, you cannot track, forget it.
A = Achievable. You need set stretched yet achievable goals. Sometimes we set such unrealistic goals, we demoralize others and ourselves. Ask if you have sufficient resources to enable achievement of the set goal
R = Relevant. Often when we set goals, there are “sub-goals” to ensure that we are in the right direction, and adequately resourced to achieve. All goals must be relevant, and aligned to the main goal. Alignment is very important.
T = Time bound. Goals are measured against the clock (sometimes against resource utilized also). What to be accomplished by end of Q1? What to achieve by end of the financial year? By setting time frames, we allow the goals to be broken into manageable “bite-sizes” ( eg by month, by quarter, etc), measured and tracked at intervals, to help motivate achievement.
Successful sales teams have clear measurable and aligned goals and sub-goals with well defined milestones. Successful sales teams are NOT just measured on sales number alone. Sales number is only the end point. Sales team leaders need work closely with team members to understand the key “intervention” points which move the sales needle and set aligned goals and sub-goals, measure and track them to improve performance.
Talk to PAL Solutions for more details on Goal Setting and Performance Management
What an achievement!
Congratulations Joseph Schooling!
Looking forward to Tokyo Olympics 2020.
Talk to PAL Solutions about goal setting and performance management.